Wasa Crispbreads

A small collection of work for Wasa under the Barilla portfolio

Art Director: Anthony Estolano

Copywriter: Christine Reyes, Sean Conejos, Brian Revels, Indira Midha

Creative Director: Amy Rogers, Ryan Ruark


Wasa 2023 US Shopper Launch and New Packaging Launch


Wasa Happitizers 2022

Our team’s creative recommendation for a Gratitude Month program as our Q4 activation.

The Barrier

Many consumers within our target market don’t yet know about Wasa: what it is, how to use it, how it fits into their lives. (It’s a Swedish Crispbread btw)


Wasa is the versatile, wholesome base that, like gratitude, can make our consumers life better in so many ways.

It’s the one simple thing she can add to her daily routine to make her life better—whether she’s snacking, hosting a get-together, or enjoying a mini meal.

We took the opportunity to inspire our consumers to practice daily moments of gratitude this holiday season with a simple, versatile snack this gratitude month.

The Idea

Build your own Happitizers: Starting with Friendsgiving, the holidays are all about making new traditions. Let’s encourage Amber and friends to start feasting on wholesome, versatile appetizers that make them happy.

Wasa Happitizers Recipe Book

In store Shelf Talker

Integrated Magazine Insert

Wasa 25th Hour 2021


Drive awareness to help bring in new consumers to Wasa; Opportunity to insert Wasa into the conversation on turning clocks back.


The fall time change is a quiet luxury we don’t celebrate enough.

Strategic Solution:

Own the magical 25th hour of Daylight Savings by showing the world the many delicious ways to savor the unexpected extra time.

The Idea:

Create a mini campaign owning the time change and giving our consumer delicious pairings as inspiration to enjoy the magical 25th hour she only gets once a year.

Effie Finalist:


Wasa Crispbreads 2022 Photo Shoot